New project idea

New project idea

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click the 'Add new' button under the category 'PROJECT IDEAS' on the left column of the system.


    Click the 'New' button under the 'PROJECT IDEAS' section , in the home page of the system
    You can, also, find here a list with your Project ideas and Shared ideas.

  2. Fill in the fields and click 'Submit and proceed to the next step' in order to continue filling in the fields in the next tabs.
    Fields with the * sign are required and must be filled in.

    Tab: Main details

    Tab: Contact

    Tab: Description

    Tab: Submission

  3. In the final step 'Submission' you can find the 'Submit to JTS' field. Choose 'yes' and  click the 'Submit' button in order to submit your project idea.
  4. In each step you can find, also, the 'Save and return' button, if you want to save your work and continue letter.